2016 TMS Classic Series Championship
The series started out with a great battle between Speedyman11 & Breeze at Talladega with Speedyman crossing the finish line first by .9 seconds. At I-700 Puttzracer & Spike dominated leading a combined 100 laps with Puttzracer pulling into Victory Lane. At Waterford Spike Dominated most of the race but a late caution bunched the field up and after several lead changes Spike crossed the finish line first. Jess Rathburn came within feet of winning Michigan with pit strategy but Speedyman crossed the finish line first by half a second. At Langley BlackKnight dominated but the finish came down to half a fender in the closest finish of the season. Speedyman Dominated Iowa almost lapping the entire field on his way to Victory. At rockingham Uk Puttzracer once again pulled into Victory lane after swapping the lead with Speedyman most of the race. At Stafford Speedyman11 & Kartracer battled for the lead most of the race with Speedyman crossing the finish line by almost a second ahead of Kartracer. Speedyman pulled into Victory lane for the final time this season @ Black Creek though the rest of the field had done their homework and caught up to him in speed and gave him one of the toughest battles of the season. The finale @ Atlanta Spike dominated leading the most laps and setting a blistering race pace.

Speedyman came out on top with the championship by winning half of the races and having the most Top 5's. Second place in Point Standings was divided by the other 3 winners this season Puttzracer, Spike & BlackKnight, all finishing the season with 183 points. Jess Rathburn rounds out the top 5 in points with Grumpy 6th, Breeze 7th, Redimuss 8th, Kartracer 9th & Lepage 10th
Congrats! Speedyman11 Winning Vintage Modified Championship
G3 Season Finale @ UK Rockingham oval
G3 Classic Series